Friday, December 26, 2008

Christmas Is Over

Christmas has passed. Which means it will be much easier to get to and from work.
I like Christmas. It's not my favorite holiday, but I still love it. It's way to stressful.
Christmas shopping is the most stressful part of this holiday.
I think it's funny how the Christmas season is supposed to be jolly and full of goodwill and all that junk. Yet, everyone seems to turn into scrooges and grumps. No one has any patience, and everyone is rushing rushing
Then there are those who try to plan ahead. Some people start their holiday shopping in July, but then rush to finish it Christmas Eve.
I'm like that. But it's over and I can relax... kind of.
My Christmas was uneventful. I got some cool stuff though. Lots of CDs and pens and a garment bag. Others things too, but I'm not about to rattle off my Christmas spoils on the internet.
Happy New Year!

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