Thursday, November 27, 2008

Black Fridays

Call me crazy, but I'm going to brave the crowds tomorrow. I'm going out at maybe seven o'clock to get a few things. The only thing that may slow me down would be actually dragging my carcass out of bed at such an ungodly hour. But I will somehow manage to make myself dress and drive to the store. It will have to be quick. I can't imagine searching for what I need. Hopefully the only thing that will deter me once I'm in the store are the checkout lines. But I can be patient when I need to be.
It's gonna be a long day. Mainly because after waking up so incredibly early, I'll also have to go to work. Should be the busiest I've ever seen it. South Willow street is NOT fun at Christmas time. All those dang lights and idiotic drivers on the road. At least it's only for a few weeks. I'll survive.

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