Monday, November 24, 2008

Chivalry Shouldn't Be Dead

A lot of guys seem to think that chivalry is dead. I don't think so. I mean, sure a lot of guys don't really show the courtesy of an early 1900s man. And no, I'm so unrealistic that I actually expect that. But still, it would be nice to see that it's not completely dead and buried. Most of the guys that I hang out with are pretty good about opening doors and such, which is pretty cool. I do know some that are total slobs and gross and don't seem to have any manners whatsoever. It's disgusting. One thing I can't stand are people (guys and girls included) who have no sense of personal hygiene. One word. EW!!
But anyway, major sidetrack. Sometimes it would just be nice to live in the early 1900s world. So that was boring. I'll end your suffering now.

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Rick said...
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